Friday, October 12, 2007

A little house cleaning:

Enky, 8:07am

I don’t dispute victors tell their side of the story as virtuous, so do losers, that is why it is so important that historians be as unbiased as possible. I don’t have a problem with the authors historical correctness, although I don’t know enough about that period to say he is right or wrong, I have a problem with his comparison of us to the bad guys in his story. Here is how it goes one more time.

Kings and Knights = power (a)
Peasants= weakness (b)

America=power (c)
Arabs=weakness (d)

Kings and Knights=brutal pillagers, rapists, and thugs (e)
America=brutal pillagers, rapists and thugs (f)

But just because a and b are correct and resulted in e doesn’t mean that just because c and d are correct f is also correct. And the rest of his piece is built around that assumption.

Power can be used for good or bad, in this case we are using it for good, and at times in our history we have used it for bad.

Now on to the 650,000 dead.

The war started March 30 2003 the Lancet report came out October 11 2006, 1301 days. So get your calculators out boys and girls, 650,000 divided by 1301 equals 499.61, we’ll call it 500. So in your story of collateral damage, which I’m not disputing, there were 15 innocents and 15 bad guys, I’ll give you both, so 30, back to the calculators 500 divided by 30, this tragedy would have to be repeated over 16 times EVERY SINGLE DAY for three and a half years. I think that would get noticed.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Knarly were partially correct and there were hundreds or thousands of pounds of thermite wrapped around columns in the WTC, but it wasn’t placed there by Bush or Cheney but by Arabs before the first bombing of the WTC in the Clinton administration. Unfortunately the terrorist bosses put Richard Reid in charge of detonating those charges because he insisted on using the traditional methods of Mohammad, no fancy cell phone detonators for Reid, no sir, only a fuse lit by the holy book of matches that had been blessed by the holy man in Mecca with holy water would do. So some secretary named Marge sat and filed her nails with nothing but 5/8 inch of drywall between her and enough explosives to down the building for almost a decade.

Question, I think I remember in one of Knarly’s links a picture of the mysterious molten metal and sparks were just below the hole where the plane entered the building, this was supposedly the thermite charge. But earlier there were reports of “hundreds” of people that heard explosions on the first several floors, is that correct? Bush being in better shape than Cheney probably took the upper floors when they were setting the explosives.

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